Atlas Coatings, Inc.

About Us

Atlas Coatings, Inc. started as a simple buisness model hand written on a single piece of paper.  Darin Ballew, President/Estimator/Project Manager, had an idea of what he wanted to do but wasn't sure how to follow through.  He shared this idea with a man he respected and hoped would be his new buisness partner.  After a couple of meetings the decision was made and Atlas Coatings, Inc. was born.  By following the business model along with the work of Darin and the people he surrounded himself with, Atlas Coatings, Inc. is alive and well 7 years later. 

For more information or a no cost estimate call (901) 348-3198.

Who is Atlas?

Atlas Coatings, Inc.
Darin Ballew - President, Estimator, Project Manager
Damon Gandy - Vice-President, Estimator, Project Manager
Tom Somers - Caulking/Waterproofing Superintendant
William Rodgers - Painting Superintendant
Joe Loynd - Controller

Members of the West Tennessee Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors.
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